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Writer's pictureKrystal D. Waiters

Updated: Apr 5, 2024

Baby, when I tell you 2024 has thrown some curveballs, it's giving batter-up! There're some things that have happened in the past two months that quite, frankly, was NOT on my vision board (if I subscribed to vision boards) for this year. However, I realized something, that during this season of "go-through" it has evoked some significant retrospection. It has forced me to evaluate what is really important in my life, while also reminding me of the resilience that's in me. In addition, I'm reminded of God's faithfulness to me and to every one of my situations. In every season He shows me how much he LOVES me and is with me. Now, don't get me wrong, my faith is in tack, and I know everything is going to work out for my good, however these feelings, have been all over the place! I had to come to the realization that my faith and feelings do not have to agree. God is so dope that, he gives me a line of defense when these feelings get out of control, which is refuge in Him. So even in the "go-through" seasons, you have the choice to focus on everything that is wrong or choosing to focus on the one that is right, God! So, as I navigate this "Red Sea" experience, I'm confident and know that God WILL bring me through! I encourage you all to stay encourage and lean into the things of God, because He's the only one that will get you through whatever situation you're facing! Be well, be safe, be blessed!

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Writer's pictureKrystal D. Waiters

So, 2024 has started and all of the holiday festivities have come to an end. We're even at the tail end of wishing everyone a Happy New Year (lol). So now what?! With all of the "new year, new you" slogans reigning supreme, where do we go from here. Setting goals or making resolutions are great however, where I believe we fall short in successful goal setting, is the lack of intention in believing that we will actually accomplish them. Here's the thing, it's counterproductive and also counterintuitive to set a goal and not believe it will happen or settling for less than what we want. There's a level of intention that should coincide with goal setting, especially if you're a Christian. I had to realize, especially this year, that in my goal setting I have an advantage. The advantage is when you recognize you're a child of God and when you're in relationship with Him, you're favored! That alone sets you apart from the rest. Dharius Daniels, pastor of Change Church, coined this phrase, "you get what you believe for". Meaning if you believe______, you'll get______. So, knowing that and also knowing that the foundation of my belief has to be faith in God because only he is able to do all things Ephesians 3:20! That's a nice guarantee! I encourage you to go beyond what you think can happen but believe that it will happen! Be well. Be safe. Be blessed.

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Writer's pictureKrystal D. Waiters

The mind is so powerful it’s almost scary! Our thoughts are the co-creators in the trajectory of our lives. That is why it is very important to be clear of the thoughts that you’re thinking and be VERY clear on what it is you want for YOUR life. It’s imperative, as it is biblical (“As a man thinketh, so is he” Proverbs 23:7, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18).

The law of energy states that, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred. This is also true mentally. When we’re not clear on what it is we want out of life, our energy is subconsciously shifted to what we don’t want, creating a life we do not want for ourselves. Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way. The only thing that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary is the will to keep going. Life will give you every reason possible to give up. However, when you’re clear mentally and connected spiritually, peace is present. Peace is needed to navigate the sometimes treacherous ebbs and flows of this thing we call life. Our true peace can only come from the “Prince of Peace”, Jesus Christ. Resting and knowing that he will not play you! He has us all!

Stay the course, focus on the one who can steer you in the right direction (God), BE CLEAR, and keep going. Be well and be blessed, folks!

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